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For many, a checking account is their financial lifeline... it's the central hub for everything from debit card swipes, to direct deposit and writing checks to pay your personal expenses. You hear about hacks at retailers that can compromise your credit and debit card, but have you heard about check fraud?
Check fraud is when someone, other than those named on your account, alters information on your checks, resulting in unauthorized transactions. It is one of the most damaging forms of identity theft, with an average loss per fraud incident at $2,412! What's more, while you work with your bank and authorities to report and resolve check fraud, you are still obligated to pay your personal expenses on time, or you run the risk of missed and late payments appearing on your credit report.
As your trusted check company, your data security is our highest priority, which is why we partner with SentryShieldSM and recommend you do, too!
Protects you in the event of forged signatures, endorsements or altered check information.
Assures you a speedy advancement of funds, up to $25,000 within 72 hours of reported check fraud.
Grants you access to a dedicated Fraud Specialist.
In addition to helping you resolve check fraud, SentryShieldSM also offers assistance for identity theft, which is when someone, without your permission, uses your personal information, such as your social security number and address, to commit fraud and other crimes. With SentryShieldSM Identity Restoration , you receive professional assistance from a dedicated Fraud Specialist to restore your identity to pre-fraud status.
Both SentryShieldSM services can be purchased with your next check order at www.ChecksUnlimited.com.
We hope this article has made you feel empowered when it comes to preventing fraud. Want to continue learning more about protecting your personal information? These articles are here to help:
Extra Protection with Every Check You Write
Know Where Your Charity Dollars Go
Don't Get Hosed by Real Estate Scams
Is Your Wallet a Goldmine for Identity Thieves?
The Dirty Half-Dozen of Identity Theft
5 Tips for Mobile App Permissions
5 Travel Safety Tips: Vacation Securely
Smart Device Security: 5 Easy Tips
6 Steps to Help Avoid Tax Fraud
What to Do if You Lose Your Wallet
How to Dispose of Old Checkbooks: 3 Simple Options
How to Calculate a Tip: Tip Calculator