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Help secure your smart home - Woman cooking while speaking to smart home device

5 Tips for Securing Your Smart Devices

Smart home products can make life easier and more automated. We can adjust lighting, thermostats, appliances and even faucets with just our phone or voice. In a world where nearly everything can be connected, it's only natural to wonder if you're sacrificing security for convenience.

Here are a few tips to help make sure you're keeping yourself safe from any potential digital dangers.

  • Use strong passwords and change them occasionally. Make sure they're unique and don't repeat passwords across devices.

  • Be on the lookout for any software updates that are recommended by the manufacturer. Keeping your product up-to-date can help avoid potential security flaws or new threats.

  • Buy from reliable brands and read reviews. Fly-by-night operations might save you money up front but could leave you vulnerable down the road.

  • Reset your products before getting rid of them. Smart products should come with a factory reset option that will ensure the next owner doesn't get any of your data or access to other devices you may have paired them to.

  • Read the product's Privacy Policy. Reading fine print can be a hassle but you'll want to make sure the manufacturer isn't collecting any data that you don't want them to.

Spending the extra time that it takes to secure your smart products will help keep them safe and give you the peace of mind to really be able to enjoy their added conveniences.