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Protecting your identity is a process… one that you have to commit to every day! If you're feeling overwhelmed, consider starting small and with something that is already part of your daily routine, either in your pocket or purse. Yes, I'm talking about your wallet.
If your wallet were stolen at this very moment, how many forms of identity and payment would a thief have? Chances are, if you aren't making a conscious effort to safeguard your identity, your wallet may contain personally identifiable information that thieves could easily use to steal your identity. Here are some tips to help you evaluate and safeguard your wallet:
The bottom line is to only carry information with you that you absolutely need. That way, if your wallet is lost or stolen, your chances of identity theft are minimized. Also, always carry your wallet on you and never leave it unattended or easily accessible to others.
We hope this article has made you feel empowered when it comes to preventing fraud. Want to continue learning more about protecting your personal information? These articles are here to help:
Check YES for SentryShieldSM Fraud Protection - Here's Why
Extra Protection with Every Check You Write
Know Where Your Charity Dollars Go
Don't Get Hosed by Real Estate Scams
The Dirty Half-Dozen of Identity Theft
5 Tips for Mobile App Permissions
5 Travel Safety Tips: Vacation Securely
Smart Device Security: 5 Easy Tips
6 Steps to Help Avoid Tax Fraud
What to Do if You Lose Your Wallet
How to Dispose of Old Checkbooks: 3 Simple Options
How to Calculate a Tip: Tip Calculator